Little Woody - 24th August 2013


1900m Swim, Bike 90km, 21km Run

Situated in the Forest of Dean and Wye Valley, this long course triathlon offers athletes the opportunity to swim in the calm waters of the National Diving and Activity Centre, test themselves over the distance and hills in the Forest, and the a trail run to finish.

Monnmouth Triathlon

Black Sheep Sports are proud to announce the return of the Little Woody for 2013.  

The race HQ is based at Taurus Crafts. Here we provide free camping, showers and changing for the athletes and their supporters.

The swim takes place at the National Diving and Activity Centre near to Chepstow.

The Bike course is best described as undulating to hilly but its not extreme.  Taking in the Forest of Dean and Wye Valley this bike route is both scenic and testing.

The bike route finish’s back at the race HQ and then takes the athletes on a run out into the woodland for a 3 lap out and back route.  

Finishing back at the race HQ you will be pleased to know that you won't be called a Little Woody, but you will receive your finishers medal and the honour of completing one of the toughest middle distance events in the UK.



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